Helping Church partners since 1991
Did you know that between Wexford and Osceola Counties, Love INC clients are spread over 1,100 square miles?
The counties we serve have poverty rates higher than national average, which is 12%
What does that mean for us? It means we have work to do.
Our Team
Board of Directors
- Pastor Mike Horlocker, President
- Greg Block, Vice President
- John MacLeod, Treasurer
- Andy Brubaker
- Barb Mausen
- Roxy Bell
- Alan Cooper
Main Office + Store Manager Staff
- Tiffany Ziegler, Intake Specialist
- Tammy Crossman, Intake Specialist
- Michelle Reichert, Transformational Ministry Coordinator; Spot On Classes for Life
- Lindsey Dibble-Strayer, Reed City Store Manager
- Paul King, Main Office Coordinator
- Rachel Reinink, Executive Director